Pricelist Test Drive Booking Service Personalize Car





Find My Car

Accurately know where your vehicle is parked, providing you with a sense of safety and convenience.


Receive notifications when your vehicle exits/enters the predetermined area.

Time Fencing

Receive notifications when your vehicle is in use (engine running) during the time period you have set.

Vehicle Info

Provides information of the current condition of your vehicle to make you feel comfortable while driving.

Stolen Vehicle Tracking

Track your stolen vehicle with Toyota Customer Care support to ensure safety at all times.

Guest Driver Alert

Receive notifications when your vehicle exceeds the pre-set maximum limits (radius, engine speed, and idle time) during guest usage.

Speed & Idle Alert

Receive notifications when the vehicle exceeds the speed limit or when the engine idling time surpasses the predetermined duration.

Driving Report

Summarize your driving sessions by daily & monthly report.

Emergency Road Assistance

Utilize SOS button in mTOYOTA when you have an accident and will be assisted by Toyota Customer Care to be directed to the Emergency Road Assistance (ERA) provider.

Inquiry & Support Center

Receive direct assistance from the Toyota Customer Care to resolve your issues, ensuring the ability to keep moving forward.

Safe Driving Rewards

Drive safely to get the rewards* by reducing harsh acceleration, harsh braking, and harsh cornering**. *Terms and Condition Applied. ** Contact the nearest dealer for more detail.